Saturday, 9 April 2016

Can You Change Your DNA?

Your Thoughts have power to change your DNA.

Many people believe that your DNA is what it is and cannot be modified; your genes remain the same throughout all your life. However, a number of scientific experiments have proven that DNA alteration is possible and that our perception of the environment changes the DNA.
You have to understand that you can create over 30.000 variations from the same DNA blueprint. What scientist come to understand now is that your belief about the world you live in has a major influence. It matters immensely if you have positive expectations and see “the glass half full” or “half empty” or if you live in constant fear. This information is going in and affecting your genes.
It now has been proven that 2/3 of ALL medical healings, no matter if pills or surgery, are a direct result of the placebo effect – the power of your mind and your belief system, what you think is what causes the healings or the issues in the first place. Make sure to understand, how powerful this knowledge is.
Dr. Bruce Lipton gave a beautiful example of the Placebo Effect in his bestselling book “The Biology of Belief"
Dr. Mosely was trying to figure out which part of his surgery operation gave relief to his patients. So he divided his patients into 3 groups: on 2 groups he did real surgery to find out above and one group got a “fake” surgery. Meaning he played a video of a real surgery to make the patient believe he was being operated, just simulated the sound of the surgery and sewed the wound back up without having done anything. To the shocking surprise of the doctors, the placebo group improved and healed to the same extent as the other two groups. The indications of these findings turn the medical, and especially pharmaceutical industry up side down …
Your beliefs change your DNA
In this 7minute video Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Wayne Dyer explain the powers of your beliefs further and in an easy to understand way.

Reference LInk:

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