Sunday, 22 May 2016

One of the Best of The MonK Who Sold His Ferrari

The monk who sold his ferrari is one of the best book I have ever found and here I am going to start writing the best part of this book where JULIAN (Mentor) is going to mention 10 RITUALS of BEST Life and John is telling that he don't have time for himself.

"Yogi Raman offered the ten rituals to me with great faith in what he termed their 'EXQUISITENESS' and I think you will agree that I am living proof of their power. I simply ask that you listen to what I have to say and judge the result of yourself." said Julian(as Mentor).

"Life changing result in only 30 days ?" I(John) asked in disbelief.

"Yes .The quid pro quo is that you must set aside at least one hour a day thirsty consecutive days to practice the strategies I am about to offer you. This investment in yourself is all takes. And please don't tell me that you don't have the time."

"But I don't." I(John) said honestly ." My practice is really blooming. I don't have ten minutes to myself ,let alone a full hour ,Julian"

"As I told you saying that you don't have the time to improve yourself , whether this means improving your mind or nourishing your spirit , is much like saying you do not have time to stop for gas because you are too busy driving. Eventually it will catch up with you"

I will post  that 10 Rituals as I start following them and give time to stop in my life for gas.

Download link of pdf :
The Monk who sold his ferrari

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