Sunday, 29 May 2016

Wireless Charging - How it Works Exactly

Wireless Electricity Transmission

Magnetic induction is a technology that you will probably remember from your physics classes at high school.
You need two coils, a transmitter coil and a receiver coil. An alternating current in the transmitter coil generates a magnetic field which induces a voltage in the receiver coil. This voltage can be used to power a mobile device or charge a battery.
The presentation below shows how to build a wireless charging system using magnetic induction. 
You will see that products need more than coils and alternatining currents. For energy-efficient power transfer the phone must be able to shut down the transmitter when the battery is full. The phone, therefore, needs to send control signals to the charging station.
The presentation is also available as PDF download.

Reference Link:

WireLess Charging Development Kit

Proxi-2D EVK Development Kit

The Proxi-2D EVK is a wireless charging development kit for semiconductor vendors which includes hardware and software tools for developing wireless charging solutions for consumer electronic devices.   Our latest EVK kit, the Proxi-2D EVK-2, demonstrates shared mode charging up to 7.5W per receiver (Rx) and is backwards compatible to The Wireless Power Consortium’s Qi v1.1 specification.  The kit includes a shared mode Resonant Transmitter (Tx) & two shared mode Rx modules which can operate in Resonant or Qi v.1.1 mode to match Tx and Rx type.
System Features:
  • Simultaneously charges up to 2 Rx’s in Resonant mode
  • Qi v1.1 pre-certified for both Rx & Tx
  • Advanced Foreign Object Detection
  • Higher efficiency power transfer – greater than 70% system efficiency in resonant mode
  • Tx can be switched between automatic & manual mode for active monitoring & testing
  • 7.5 W power delivery per Rx in shared mode – maximum up to 15 W
  • Full spatial freedom – Rx can be charged in any location & orientation on Tx
  • Tx & Rx can be used with Qi v.1.1. compatible devices (Tx & Rx)
  • Z height testing options at 3, 5 and 7 mm
    (coil to coil)
Transmitter (Tx): The Tx module can supply power up to 2 receiver modules in shared mode with full spatial freedom on the charging surface. Automatic detection of the Rx determines operation in shared or exclusive (Qi v1.1)mode.
  • Dual mode functionality – resonant (shared) & Qi v1.1 (exclusive)
  • Advanced Object Detection denotes friendly and foreign objects placed on the charging surface
  • RoHS compliant
  • Automatic detection of the Rx to determine operating mode
  • Specialized software graphical user interface
  • Tx Control Application & manual mode option for monitoring & testing
Receiver (Rx):
The kit includes two Rx modules, each with the ability to operate in shared and exclusive mode. Rx modules are comprised of a Rx coil and Rx circuit board placed inside a plastic casing.
  • Dual mode functionality – resonant (shared) & Qi v1.1 (exclusive)
  • Automatic detection of Tx to determine operating mode
  • Thermal shutdown protection
  • Specialized software graphical user interface
  • Includes Rx Control Application to monitor and control Rx functions
The videos below highlight kit contents and functionality for the EVK-1 which was released previously.  The EVK-2 kit is similar in design, but with the added functionality outlined above.
More Reference :

Sunday, 22 May 2016

One of the Best of The MonK Who Sold His Ferrari

The monk who sold his ferrari is one of the best book I have ever found and here I am going to start writing the best part of this book where JULIAN (Mentor) is going to mention 10 RITUALS of BEST Life and John is telling that he don't have time for himself.

"Yogi Raman offered the ten rituals to me with great faith in what he termed their 'EXQUISITENESS' and I think you will agree that I am living proof of their power. I simply ask that you listen to what I have to say and judge the result of yourself." said Julian(as Mentor).

"Life changing result in only 30 days ?" I(John) asked in disbelief.

"Yes .The quid pro quo is that you must set aside at least one hour a day thirsty consecutive days to practice the strategies I am about to offer you. This investment in yourself is all takes. And please don't tell me that you don't have the time."

"But I don't." I(John) said honestly ." My practice is really blooming. I don't have ten minutes to myself ,let alone a full hour ,Julian"

"As I told you saying that you don't have the time to improve yourself , whether this means improving your mind or nourishing your spirit , is much like saying you do not have time to stop for gas because you are too busy driving. Eventually it will catch up with you"

I will post  that 10 Rituals as I start following them and give time to stop in my life for gas.

Download link of pdf :
The Monk who sold his ferrari

Friday, 6 May 2016

Windows Vs. Linux Virtual Memory Management.

Virtual Memory Management In Linux is Faster than Linux.

  • Linux Provides VM by default at time of booting by allocating some part of memory from Hard-drive and that portion of memory is converted in Linux supported data structure.
  • Whereas in case of Windows both virtual memory and RAM are having different Data-Structure. So, at time of Swap-out and Swap-in , It needs conversion of data-structure from VM type to OS supported Type and it created Delay.
  • Let suppose 


1) Data structures


  • Windows uses tree data structure.
  • Each node of the tree is called Virtual Address Descriptors (VAD).
  • VAD marks each node as free, committed or reserved.
  • Committed nodes are those nodes that are currently being used.
  • Free nodes are unused nodes.
  • Reserved nodes cannot be used until reservation is lifted off.


  • It uses linked list data structure.
  • It maintains a list of vm_area_structs.
  • This list is searched whenever a page is to be found.
  • It also records the range of address, protection mode and the direction in which it grows (up or down).
  • If number of entries becomes more than 32, Linux converts linked list into a tree.
  • Linux uses data structure depending upon the situation.
2) Distribution of Process Address Space


  • Windows on 32 bit x86 systems can access up to 4GB of physical memory.
  • Windows allows each process to have its own 4GB logical address space by using paging.
  • The upper 2GB is kept for windows kernel mode.
  • The lower 2GB of the address space is reserved for user mode.


  • 3GB of memory space is reserved for user mode
  • 1GB is kept for Kernel mode.

3) Paging

Linux uses demand paging with no pre paging

  • Linux do not swap the entire process instead uses a lazy swapper.
  • It never swaps a page into the memory unless that page is needed.
  • Instead of swapping in a whole process, the pager swaps only necessary pages into memory.
  • It thus avoids reading pages that will not be used, this decreases swap time and amount of physical memory required.
  • To distinguish between the pages that are in memory and are on the disk we use valid and non valid bits.
  • If bit is valid it shows that the page is legal and is in the memory and if bit is set to invalid it indicates that it is on the disk.

Linux uses three level paging

Windows uses cluster demand paging

  • Pages are brought in the memory when they are needed.
  • Instead of bringing pages one by one, eight pages are brought in the memory simultaneously.
  • It makes use of working set model.
  • Working set is the amount of memory currently assigned to the process.
  • It contains the pages that are in the main memory.
  • Size of working set can be changed accordingly.

Windows uses Two Level Paging

4) Address structure


Linear address is broken into four parts:
  • Global Directory.
  • Middle Directory.
  • Page Table
  • Offset.


Address is divided into two parts:
  • Page number
  • Page offset

5) Page replacement

Linux uses LRU

  • Least Recently Used Page Replacement Algorithm (L.R.U.)
  • The page that is not used for a long period of time is selected as victim page and is replaced.
  • Implemented in two ways- Counters and stack.
  • In counters, each page table entry is associated with a time-of-use field. The page with smallest time value is replaced.
  • In stack, the page at the bottom is removed and put on the top of the stack. Least recently used is always at the bottom of the stack.
Here is an example of LRU page replacement algorithm.

No. of page faults=12

Windows uses FIFO

  • First in First out Page Replacement Algorithm (F.I.F.O.).
  • The oldest page is chosen for replacement.
  • It suffers from be lady's anomaly.
  • Page fault rate may increase when we increase number of frame.
  • It has low performance.
  • It has maximum number of page faults.
Here is an example of FIFO page replacement algorithm.

No. of page faults =155)

Windows divides virtual pages into four lists:-

  • Modified Page List.
  • Stand-by Page List.
  • Free Page List.
  • Zeroed Page List.
Pages that have been modified are in modified page list. After writing to disk they are stored in standby list. Pages that have not been modified go to stand by list. The modified page list is called dirty list and standby list is called clean list.

Linux divides the pages into four lists:-

  • Active List.
  • Inactive-dirty List.
  • Inactive clean List.
  • Free List.
Active pages are on the list 1. If some of the pages are not active, their age decreases and goes down to zero, which means it has to be removed.
Reference Link:
For more Detail on Linux Virtual memory Management:

How to Allocate Or De-allocate VM-Virtual Memory in Windows 7,8,8.1,10?

    In computingvirtual memory is a memory management technique that is implemented using both hardware and software. It mapsmemory addresses used by a program, called virtual addresses, into physical addresses in computer memory. Main storage as seen by a process or task appears as a contiguous address space or collection of contiguous segments. The operating system manages virtual address spaces and the assignment of real memory to virtual memory. Address translation hardware in the CPU, often referred to as a memory management unit or MMU, automatically translates virtual addresses to physical addresses. Software within the operating system may extend these capabilities to provide a virtual address space that can exceed the capacity of real memory and thus reference more memory than is physically present in the computer.
    The primary benefits of virtual memory include freeing applications from having to manage a shared memory space, increased security due to memory isolation, and being able to conceptually use more memory than might be physically available, using the technique of paging
    How to Allocate VM?
  • Step - 1: Right Click on My computer and Open Properties.
  • Step - 2: Click on Advance System Settings.
  • Step - 3: Click on Setting and followed By Advanced option as Shown in Following Image.
  • Step - 4:There you find virtual memory and Click on change to modify or allocate.

It's Done.


Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is security feature that first introduced in Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) and is included in Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Windows Vista, plus future operating system such as Windows 7Windows 8,Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. DEP is intended to prevent an application or service from executing code from a non-executable memory region. DEP is enforced by hardware technology that detects code that is running from the default heap and the stack and raises an exception to terminate the process when execution occurs, and software-enforcer that prevent malicious code from taking advantage of exception-handling mechanisms in Windows. In short, DEP perform additional checks on memory to prevent malicious code or exploits from running on the system by shut down the process once detected.

Why Disable DEP ?

I was running multiple processes on different tabs in Firefox 3,  finally my Firefox crashed and Microsoft gave a very beautiful reason for the crash which you have read above. Actually it happened the moment I clicked on a YouTube video, it sounds weird, right? If you are a heavy geek like me, who works on multiple Firefox tabs and also use online services that need to access your system memory, then your Firefox is definitely going to crash unless you don’t disable DEP. Another reason to disable it is when it does not allow you to open Executable files that needs to access your system memory.
Note: Only disable DEP if your executable file is not getting installed or if your Firefox is crashing all the time(and Microsoft keeps giving DEP excuse).

How To Disable DEP ?

Go to Start, right click on Computer and finally click on Properties. Now in the System window click onAdvanced System Settings in the left sidebar as shown in the screenshot below.
vista system

Now in the System Properties Windows, under Performance click Settings as shown in the screenshot below.
System properties
Finally in the Performance Options windows, navigate to Data Execution Prevention tab and select the second option “Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:” as shown in the screenshot below.
performance option
Now suppose you have to disable DEP for some executable file, just click on Add, and then select the file to add it in the list and you are done. ðŸ™‚
Well you can’t add Firefox because it is not an executable file, but it pretty much solved my problem.

Alternative Method – Disabling DEP Completely From Command Prompt

Warning: Do not use this option if you are not an administrator. Make sure that you fully understand what you are doing.
From the Start menu, select All Programs, then go to Accessories and then finally right-click on Command Prompt and click Run as Administrator(Or Disable User Account Control).
Once the command prompt is open, you can now disable the DEP by entering the following command line.

bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff
If you regret your decision and now wants to enable or turn back on the DEP protection for your Windows, simply use the following command instead:
bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx OptIn
Or (above is the default setting on Windows, and below command will apply DEP to all processes):
bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOn
How to Verify the Status of DEP
Run the Command Prompt as Administrator, the run the following command:
wmic OS Get DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy
A status code will be returned. The status of the DEP is corresponding with the code listed in table below:

Code NumberFlagStatus
AlwaysOffDEP is disabled for all processes.
1AlwaysOnDEP is enabled for all processes.
2OptInDEP is enabled for essentials Windows programs and services only. Default setting.
3OptOutDEP is enabled for all processes except for excluded programs and services.
Reference Link:

How to install google-chrome in redhat without redhat subscription

Install google-chrome in redhat  Download the .rpm file of chrome