Monday, 15 February 2016


Programming Assignment 4.2: Selection Sort

Due on 2016-02-20, 23:55 IST

Selection sort is a sorting algorithm that sorts n elements in an array using n-1 calls of a procedure called Select() . Select(i) selects the smallest of the elements from positions i+1 to n and swaps with the element at i. Given a list of unsorted elements having N numbers, print the array of elements after K calls to Select() starting with Select(1) as the first call and Select(K) as the last call with increasing order of parameters to Select().

N K m1 m2 m3 .. mN (Space separated) (where mi's are elements of unsorted list)
Space separated list of N numbers after K calls to of Select().

2<= N <= 100
1<= K <= (N-1)
Numbers will be given in the range [-1000,1000].

Example 1:
9 8 7 6 5

Expected Output:
5 8 7 6 9

Explanation: After the 1st call of Select(), the smallest element will be selected(which is 5) and will be swapped with element at first position (which is 9).

Example 2: 5
3 9 8 7 1
Expected Output:
1 3 8 7 9
After the 1st call to Select(), the smallest element which is 1 should get to the 1st position. To do so, it is swapped with 3 resulting in the intermediate result

1 9 8 7 3

After 2nd call, the next smallest element 3 should be at 2nd position. To do so, 3 is swapped with 9. Thus the expected result

3 9 8 7 1

#include <stdio.h>

void printSelectSortIter(int arr[], int n, int k) { int i,j,l,c,min=1111,ct=0;; for(i=0;i<k;i++){ min=1111; ct=0; for(j=i;j<n;j++){ if(min>arr[j]){ min=arr[j]; c=j; ++ct; } } if((--ct)!=0){ arr[i]=arr[i]+arr[c]; arr[c]=arr[i]-arr[c]; arr[i]=arr[i]-arr[c]; } } for(l=0;l<n;l++){ printf("%d",arr[l]); if(l!=n-1) printf(" "); } }

int main() { int arr[101], n, k, i; scanf("%d", &n); //taking n from user scanf("%d", &k); //taking k from user for (i = 0; i < n; i++) scanf("%d", &arr[i]); //scanning elements printSelectSortIter(arr,n,k); return 0; }

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