Saturday, 23 January 2016

Oen RUN dialogue box Using CMD and C programming

Hello Friends, I m back after very long with very small program to open RUN using Cmd nd C programming:--
1. Using C Program

using namespace std;
int main()
    system("start c:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,#61");
    return 0;

 2. Using Cmg :-

It's nothing hi-fi like wifi just copy and paste this one line

start c:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,#61

Thursday, 21 January 2016

mouse.h Attachment

union REGS i,o;
void border(int l)
 for(int i=0;i<l;i++)
void init()
{ = 0;
void show()
{ = 1;
void hide()
{ = 2;
void show_ptr(int *x,int *y,int *b)
{ = 3;
 *x =;
 *y = o.x.dx;
 *b = o.x.bx;

C Graphics (Osum Combination)

//put mouse.h in bin directory or change the path respectively

#include "c:\\turboc3\\bin\\mouse.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream.h>
void maingame();
void gameborder();
void welcome();
void inter();
void main()
 int gd=0,gm=0,cnt=0;
 char ch[50]= "Welcome to  World  of Game Zone by ++ C ";
 char str[50][3];
 int l;
 l = strlen(ch);
  // cout << l;
 int i;
  str[i][0] = ch[i];
  str[i][1] = '\0';
 float x,y;
 int x1,y1,b,l1;
 char c[] = "CONTROL  D  SHAPE WITH MOUSE & HAve FUN ";
 char str1[30][2];
 l1 = strlen(c);
  str1[i][0] = c[i];
  str1[i][1] = '\0';
  int temp;
  x1 = 300;
  y1 = 450;
  for(float k=0;k<180 ;k+=4.5)
   x = 315+ x1*cos(k/180 * 3.14);
   y = y1*sin(k/180 * 3.14);
  int temp;
  for(float k=0;k<180 ;k+=4.5)
   x = 315+ x1*cos(k/180 * 3.14);
   y = y1*sin(k/180 * 3.14);
  if(x1>=300 && y1>=450)
 outtextxy(10,10,"5 CHARACTERS MISSING = GAME OVER");
 outtextxy(10,60,"ALL D BEST");

void maingame()
 int gd=0,gm=0,i,x,y,xt,k=1,s=1,cl;
 char ch[100][2],c;
  ch[i][0] =i + 65;
  ch[i][1] = '\0';
  cl = random(15);
 xt = random(26);
 x = 10 + (24 * xt);
   cl = random(15);
   cl = random(15);
   c = getche();
   if(c == ch[xt][0])
    cl = random(15);
    outtextxy(150,240,"Scored a point");
    outtextxy(150,240,"Scored a point");
    goto S;
   if(c == 'p')
    goto Y;
    cl = random(15);
    outtextxy(150,240,"Missed a point");
    outtextxy(150,240,"Missed a point");
     goto Y;
     goto S;
 char chh[40];
 strcpy(chh,"YOUR SCORE = ");
 outtextxy(10,20,"YOUR SCORE = ");
void gameborder()                             //border formation
 int x,y,cl;
 char ch[10]="CSPIT ";
  cl = random(15);
  if(cl == 0)
  cl = random(15);
  if(cl == 0)
void inter()
void welcome()
 outtextxy(10,270,"Press Any Key to Continue..");

How to install google-chrome in redhat without redhat subscription

Install google-chrome in redhat  Download the .rpm file of chrome